The Spotlight content type features a large circular headshot photograph next to a quotation and attribution, with a customizable partial background image or background color and design accents (including a tree arrow pointing to the left side of the image, a partial border around the image, and a left border next to the name of the source and affiliation).
This content type is a more visually impactful alternative to the testimonial or quote content types.
Available in zones:
- Available to all content editors
When to use it
If you wish to share a success story, or showcase the experiences of current students, alumni, or faculty, for example, then the Spotlight content type could be a great tool.
How to use it
Navigate to the section where you wish to add this content item. Click "Create content" then select the "Spotlight" content type.
Required fields
- Name
- The text in this field is for internal, informational purposes only, and appears in the list of 'content in this section.'
- Spotlight Image
- In this field you will select an image from the Media Library to serve as the spotlight image for this content block.
- This should be a square image with a recommended size of 500x500 or 600x600 pixels.
- Make sure your image is optimized for the web before adding it to the Media Library.
- Accent color
- This field is adrop down menu which allows you to select one of 11 SU brand colors for the design accents (this color should provide contrast with the background color):
- SU Black (#333333)
- SU Brown (#807060)
- SU Dark Blue (#003282)
- SU Dark Green (#124a12)
- SU Emerald (#008765)
- SU Gold (#fdb913)
- SU Green (#55b31b)
- SU Light Blue (#04a9c5)
- SU Orange (#ef4135)
- SU Red (#aa0000)
- SU White (#f7f7f7)
- Background color
- This field is adrop down menu which allows you to select one of 11 SU brand colors for the partial background color:
- SU Black (#333333)
- SU Brown (#807060)
- SU Dark Blue (#003282)
- SU Dark Green (#124a12)
- SU Emerald (#008765)
- SU Gold (#fdb913)
- SU Green (#55b31b)
- SU Light Blue (#04a9c5)
- SU Orange (#ef4135)
- SU Red (#aa0000)
- SU White (#f7f7f7)
Optional fields
- Text Title
- The text in this field becomes the red, all-caps heading above the quote, and is meant to provide context for the quote.
- Text
- The text in this field should be a short (about 50 words) quote or testimonial, and should directly relate to the rest of the content on the page.
- Source
- The text in this field displays in bold under the quote and should include the name of the person or other source of the quote.
- Affiliation
- The text in this field displays after/next to the source, and is meant to provide more context about the person who provided the quote and how they are related to your program or organization.
- Bio Link
- In this field you can add a section link or content link and that will turn the person's name into a link.
- Banner Image
- If instead of just a background color you wish to have a partial background image, you can select an image in this field.
- This image needs a square or landscape orientation and should be optimized for the web prior to adding it into the Media Library.
- Image Link
- In this field you can add a section link or content link and that will turn your spotlight image into a link.