

A short testimonial or quote from a source with attribution -- such as an alumnus/alumna, faculty member or other source -- in a speech bubble. Similar to the Quote content type except with different styling.

Available in zones:

  • Zone A
  • Zone B
  • Zone C


  • Available to all content editors

How to use it

Navigate to the section where you wish to add this content item. Click "Create content" then select the "Testimonial" content type.

Screen shot of Testimonial Content Type

Required Fields

  • Name
    • The text in this field is for internal, informational purposes only, and appears in the list of 'content in this section.'
  • Testimonial
    • The text in this field is the quote -- what was said? This text appears in the white speech bubble.
  • Source
    • The text in this field is the source of the quote -- who said it? This text appears below the speech bubble.
  • Zone Option 
    • This field is a radio button which allows you to select what location on the page this content block should appear: Zone A, B, or C.

Screen shot of how to select a zone option in your content item in V9

Optional Fields

  • Affiliation
    • The text in this field is the affiliation of the person who said the quote -- the affiliation should provide context for the quote. This text appears below the speech bubble, and below the source, and is displayed in italics.

This is a Testimonial. It's a great content type to use for endorsements.

Anonymous Seattle University

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ut mi ac mi consequat iaculis. Mauris fringilla hendrerit sapien, ut lobortis leo finibus id. Cras vel ipsum in neque blandit scelerisque. Suspendisse hendrerit vestibulum nulla eget consequat. Etiam sit amet ligula placerat, feugiat nisi et, ultricies sem. Duis volutpat risus id mi semper rhoncus. Integer ac congue est.

Lorem Ipsum Printing and typesetting industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s

Go forth and set the world on fire...

St. Ignatius