Members' terms expire December 31 of the year listed.
The University Rank and Tenure Committee consists of eight faculty members. Faculty members serve a four year term beginning January 1 and ending December 31 of the terminal year.
The URTC shall consist of full-time, tenured faculty members with a rank of Professor. There will be one member from and representing each of the existing University schools and colleges to which tenured and tenure-track faculty are appointed, except that two members will be from and represent the College of Science and Engineering and two members will be from and represent the College of Arts and Sciences. When appointing new members from the College of Arts and Sciences, and the College of Science and Engineering, the Committee on Committees will confer with each of these colleges to determine which disciplines within each college require representation on URTC.
The ConC shall recommend, manage, and oversee the process of faculty appointments to the URTC. The Provost has final approval of the URTC membership.
Jodi O'Brien, Ex oficio
ext. 5384
Sharon Suh, Chair
ext. 6409
The University Rank and Tenure Committee has existed in one capacity or another since 1948 when the university changed its name from Seattle College to Seattle University.
Please see the Committee Charter linked here:
University Rank and Tenure Committee Charter