The Student Health Center is a primary care clinic offering services frequently needed by college students.
Monday -Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 3pm closed for lunch daily 12-12:45pm
Fall - Spring
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5pm (closed Mondays 10:30am - 1pm for staff meetings)
Bellarmine Hall #107
1111 E. Columbia St.
Seattle, WA 98122
Fax 206.296.6089
Nurse Practitioner appointments
Vaccine/Lab visits
If you need labs done that were ordered by an outside provider we recommend going directly to a lab such as Labcorp. Nearby locations include:
Check in at the front desk of the Student Health Center
You will need to check in through your patient portal. For detailed information and screen shots on how to use mobile check in please see:
Mobile Check-in for Virtual/Telehealth Visits